Bukwekwe (headband)

Bukwekwe (headband)

Bukwekwe (headband)
mālwe (coconut frond midrib)
alu (velvet shell (Polinices immaculata))
maan̄ (pandanus leaves)
kimej (coconut leaves (new shoot))
ED# 4879
Accessioned February 1962. Gift of Gladys Davis.

in eiiet kainōknōk ie, mel̗el̗e in bwe ej n̄an kajoor ro. Jabdewōt kein bukwekwe im kainōknōk ko kōn̗aki me rōddik libbukwe ko ie, āinwōt in, rōkar dien kajoor ro. Bukwekwe in ej kōm̗m̗an jān mālwe, alu, maan̄ em̗ōj innini, kab juubub in ni. M̗oktata, rej kore mālwe eo kōn maan̄. Innām eo̗uti alu ko n̗a ippān mālwe kōn juubub in kimej eo. Alu ko em̗ōj kōm̗m̗an ro̗n̄ier bwe en wōr ial̗ in an kimej eo dāpiji n̗a ippān mālwe eo.

Jewelry that was simple and monochrome with small shells, like this one, was for common people. This headband is made from coconut frond midrib, velvet shell, and boiled coconut leaf from the new shoot. First, the pandanus leaf is wrapped around the midrib. Then the velvet shells are attached to the midrib by tying them using the coconut leaf.

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